Palembang, The Town where I was Born

I was born in Palembang, the second largest city in Sumatra after Medan. and the capital city of South Sumatra, Indonesia, with the population of about 1,7 million. According to the date 16 june 682, which written on Sriwijaya inscription, Palembang is the oldest city in Indonesia.

Nine centuries ago Sriwijaya Empire was dominated the archipelago and the peninsula malaya. It made the city named "Bumi Sriwijaya". In year 682 the authority of Sriwijaya was built Wanua, which now known as Palembang. Palembang was ever been the capital of Bahari budha kingdom, the biggest empire in South East Asia. However, Rajendra Chola attack, from Chola Empire in 1025 was made this city only a simple port that was not mean anything for foreign traders.

Palembang is surrounded by 108 rivers. That was the reason the city is named after Pa and Lembang, that mean the place which surronded by the water. Palembang is split into two by the musi river, which the longest river in Indonesia.

Ampera Bridge by Aprian lesmana

In 14 december 1961 Bung Karno, who was first President of Indonesia, signed the contruction contract of Ampera bridge. Ampera bridge lies on over the musi river, and the first contruction of Ampera bridge was built in 1962. It has been a symbol of Palembang city, and used as a means of transport since was inaugurated by Bung Karno in 1965.  

Palembang now is one of the best city in Indonesia, which many people come there every year for touring. I moved away in 2001 since I lived in boarding school, but I often return to visit my family. I miss them greatly, especially those days where we stay up all days talking together. Missing family isn't about how long I haven't seen them, but about the moment when I was doing something or visiting some places and wishing they were here with me .

Reference wikipedia


  1. Dan kemarin Palembang makin berjaya jadi salah satu destinasi wisata krn GMT :D


    1. Betul mba aprillia, itu tepat hari ulang tahunku sdra2 pada telat ngucapin krn sibuk ma gerhana hahaha

  2. One of my wish list. Hope someday i can visit this beautiful city

  3. it's my pleasure mba muna, I'll let you know some interisting places later, just feel free to text me when you decide to visit my city.


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