My Third Pregnancy Short Story

Edinburgh, United Kingdom, May 2017.
Hi baby, welcome to mommy's womb. Alhamdulillah, thanks for your hard efforts to be there, also many thanks to your  brother and sister who have prayed a lot for your coming  💋.
Actually this pregnancy has not been confirmed yet by a midwife or a doctor. Two weeks ago, I noticed some of the pregnancy signs and symptoms on my body. I felt sore on my breasts and its shape became larger. As I haven't missed my period so I tried to avoid those signs, but the curiosity brought me to see a female doctor. Unfortunately, the doctor couldn't confirm the pregnancy yet, she asked me to wait until I miss my period which will be due in a week.

It was stuck there, mommy was so busy preparing all the stuff for going back to Indonesia and also had no idea to continue writing this story, so sorry baby..

And mommy is here now to continue writing about your story and trying to rewind every thing on my mind to know what had happened to us after we arrived to our lovely country, Indonesia. So, on May 2017 we visited an obstetrician, mommy's not really sure what date it was, ups just avoid about the date, it's too complicated to be remembered 😆. When we met the obstetrician to confirm the pregnancy, she recognized some symptoms and sign of internal bleeding in mommy's womb, and she suggested bed rest and drink enough water, and it's solved. In the second visit, we had no problem to be worried about anymore.

On July, mommy had to come back to school for teaching, where mommy has been teaching since 2014 here. We met a lot of people, it was so fun, we had some nice activites to do while your brother and sister were at school. But, it's also tiring, and we have another problem. After a month of teaching, in August 2017 mommy was hospitalized for couple of days because of typhoid fever.

October 2017. Now, you are about five months old in mommy's womb, we're going to have a long journey to mommy's hometown, Palembang to attend your uncle's engagement ceremony. It will take about 17-18 hours, mommy hopes you'll be okay there. This is our second long journey by car, last month we've tried to travel to Pekalongan, Central Java. It took about 8 hours and we did it well. Why did we decide to travel by car? This is your brother and sister's will. When we were in Edinburgh, they really wanted to have a long journey by car and ship. We'll make it for them, so they'll have a fun and memorable moment. Before we have a long journey, today we'll visit the obstetrician to know your condition and to ask for her opinion about our plan.
After a week in Palembang, Alhamdulillah we made it, and we went back home safely. Mommy went back to school and started teaching again 😍.

December 2017, this is the school holiday, yeah.. 💃. You've been confirmed as a baby boy.. 😍. Let's make another long Journey babe, we're going to Jogja this time. One of our memorable places, mommy, daddy and your older brother lived there for 2 years, around 2008-2010, accompanying your daddy to take his Bachelor Degree in Gajah Mada University.
Our journey was so fun, we visited some memorable places in Jogja. This is your sister's first visit to Jogja, she was so excited, she said " I love Jogja and I want to stay here, could we build a house in Jogja daddy? " "hahaha, we hope so, honey ".

January 2018, can't wait to see you babe. Welcoming a new year in Bandung with your grandma and grandpa and other families, Alhamdulillah. Mommy ate a lot that night 😁, eating like a starving woman who hasn't been eating for a week 😆. It's a happy year, because we'll see you next month. Qodarullah, at the 10th of January, mommy was hospitalized for the second time. That morning, mommy went to the hospital to make an appointment to see the obstetrician for monthly check up. When I met her, she asked for a medical lab tests due to the time of birth next month, to know mommy's condition before giving birth.
Unfortunately, the result was not good, mommy needed a blood transfusion. and mommy had been hospitalized for four days.

February 2018, You’re Due dear..
Can’t wait to see you love,  you’re about 38 weeks today. We’re going to meet an obstetrician this afternoon, and in these few weeks mommy has been walking a lot to ensure that you could be born normally. I haven't felt any regular contraction or any other signs of labor. I met the obstetrician, every things were fine, lets wait 2 more weeks.
Sometimes I felt some contractions but not that strong. After 2 weeks, and no strong signs happened, the obstetrician suggested for a caesarean section. And finally we see you cute boy.. 😘😘.


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