
Showing posts from May, 2019

Puding Roti Tawar Panggang

Punya roti tawar nyisa? jangan di buang ya. Yuk kita olah jadi puding roti panggang, bikinnya gampang, nggak pake ribet, insyaAllah. Bahan: 6 lembar roti tawar, buang pinggirannya dan sobek-sobek 2 butir telur, kocok lepas 300ml susu cair full cream (Uht)  120ml skm  2-3 sdm butter, bisa di ganti margarin, cairkan (optional)  1bks kismis/choco chips    C aranya: Campur susu cair, skm and telor, aduk rata  Masukkan roti dan kismis (kismis bsa di campur atw d jadikan taburan saja), aduk hingga tercampur rata Tuang ke dalam loyang yg sudah d oles butter dan d alasin baking paper Panggang dengan suhu 120°c Selama 20mnit ( tergantung ovennya y )  Angkat, dinginkan, siap untuk di santap  Enak juga lho, di santap dengan es krim, nyam..nyam..

My Third Pregnancy Short Story

Edinburgh, United Kingdom, May 2017. Hi baby, welcome to mommy's womb. Alhamdulillah, thanks for your hard efforts to be there, also many thanks to your  brother and sister who have prayed a lot for your coming  ðŸ’‹. Actually this pregnancy has not been confirmed yet by a midwife or a doctor. Two weeks ago, I noticed some of the pregnancy signs and symptoms on my body. I felt sore on my breasts and its shape became larger. As I haven't missed my period so I tried to avoid those signs, but the curiosity brought me to see a female doctor. Unfortunately, the doctor couldn't confirm the pregnancy yet, she asked me to wait until I miss my period which will be due in a week. It was stuck there, mommy was so busy preparing all the stuff for going back to Indonesia and also had no idea to continue writing this story, so sorry baby.. And mommy is here now to continue writing about your story and trying to rewind every thing on my mind to know what had happened to us after we ...