
Showing posts from February, 2017

Removing An IUD and A Cervical Screening Test in Edinburgh

First I'll let you know what an IUD is, An IUD is a type of contraception. It's a small T-shaped plastic and copper device that inserted into your womb (uterus) by a specially trained doctor, or nurse. And an IUD can stay in the womb for five to ten years, depending on the type of the IUD. I had an IUD fitted in my womb twice. First, five months after I gave birth my first child, and it was removed when he was two years old because I planned to have my second child. Second, it was fitted on march 2013, when my baby about a year and a half. Actually, I didn't plan to have a coil removed. It started when I went to GP for a cervical screening test ( previously known as a smear test ) last year. The nurse asked me, did I use any contraception, what type of contraception it was, and how long it has been fitted. I told her that I use a coil (an IUD) and it's  been fitted for three years and a half. After taking some sample cells for the cervical screening test, the n...

Kepiting Lada Hitam

Kepiting lada hitam ini, salah satu olahan kepiting favorit kami. Kalau di Indonesia olahan kepiting lada hitam yang enak itu, kepiting lada hitam khas Balikpapan. Rasanya muaknyosss tenan, di jamin bakal ketagihan. Kamu juga bisa kok bikin olahan kepiting lada hitam ala rumahan yang simple dan g kalah maknyos ma kepiting di resto, and here is the recipe. Bahan untuk mengolah kepiting : 1 ekor kepiting ukuran besar 2cm jahe 400ml air untuk mengukus kepiting Bahan saos : 4 siung bawang putih,cincang 1/2 bawang bombai, iris memanjang 2sdm saos tiram 4sdm kecap asin (saya pake yang dark soy sauce) 1sdm kecap manis sejumput garam  gula pasir secukupnya 5sdt lada hitam bubuk (sesuai selera) 3cm jahe, keprek 1sdt tepung maizena yang sudah dilarutkan dengan 30ml air  minyak goreng secukupnya Caranya mengolah kepiting : Bersihkan kepiting dari sisa-sisa kotoran atau tanah yang menempel pada cangkang ataupun kaki kepiting. Panaskan a...